Focus Fireplaces – Hollow Beam

Hollow Beams are fabricated to give the appearance of a Solid Beam. Their lighter construction is ideal where weight is an issue. They can be made to any size upto 3m. Hollow Beams are not available as Dressed, Extremely Aged or Ancient Oak.

Any Sizes up to 3m. 42”, 48” and 54” are standard sizes, but Beams and Shelves can be supplied at any length upto 3m.

Dimensions Metric (mm) Imperial (inches)
Profile 140×178 4×7
Standard Length 1067 42
Standard Length 1220 48
Standard Length 1370 54
Bespoke Lengths Up to 3 metres Up to 118″


Decorative corbels are a great way to complement your solid oak beam. With 5 styles to choose you can create your perfect look. Find out more here.

Choosing to include Pegs and/or Indents add character to any beam giving a sense of authenticity.


  • Rounded edges
  • Rustic
  • Aged
  • Prime


  • Natural waxed Oak
  • Light/Medium Oak
  • Medium Oak
  • Medium/Dark Oak
  • Ebony Oak
  • Silvered Oak
  • Warm Antique


“ The content of this website is intended for initial assistance only – for full details please contact the showroom or refer to the manufacturers website for each product – there you will find full technical details, the product fiche etc which gives all efficiencies, installation instructions, dimensions and so on. We are more than happy to provide these but do not have the facility on this website.  If you let us know which fires you are interested in, we can provide full details by email. If you have any questions at all please let us know.   Happy Browsing! In the showroom or by email we are quite happy to provide full technical advice about installation and suitability.”

Prices from £252.00
At the time of uploading these details the guide price should be accurate, but these are subject to change, and the guide price given will normally be for the basic appliance and may not include flue pipes, optional extras, different finishes etc. We hope the price guide will be helpful but please always check with the showroom for current and detailed pricing. All prices include VAT.

Last updated 14 February 2025

Enquire about Focus Fireplaces – Hollow Beam